Work With Me
Dive deep into your Artistic Daydreams and transform those pesky blocks to your creativity into a free flow of colour and form.
All of my sessions and workshops begin with the introduction to our Inner Healing Genius, we go down deep to our roots and transform our stories. We combine the principles and guidance of my training as a Root Healing Coach and Color of Woman Teacher, and the Intentional Creativity approach to our artistic longings, to illuminate in the truest sense that we are spiritual beings on an eternal quest. We open to an adventure in love that we get to design for our own individual journey. This isn’t a new age philosophy or an esoteric concept – we know the mind, body and spirit are connected and now its up to us to awaken to the knowledge we have deep within our cells to get down to the ROOT and open up that which needs freeing and HEALING deep within us.

With Intentional Creativity, we work with the concept of our Inner Healing Genius, or our Creative Muse. These are code language for the hidden self. The one that teaches us to think for ourselves and who holds the keys to let ourselves out of our own cages. Without this connection we may find ourselves lost, blocked, or worse, asleep and stagnant, despairingly numb to the world and our own hearts desires. In our time together you can identify and allow your pleasure to be bigger than your fear of what it might look like.

Join me, Sharon Ann, for an introductory practice of Intentional Creativity and immerse yourself in play and transformation. Affirmation Cards are a lovely way to turn negative thoughts into a positive outcome, as well as be in community with a tribe of like-minded Positive Seekers to support you in taking these steps into a new way of accessing your Inner Creative Genius.
A Monthly Red Thread session with painting, visualization, and chocolate! Afternoon workshop 1-4, scheduled monthly.
Your Creative Genius will come alive on canvas, with acrylic paints, pens, and sparkle. No painting experience necessary! You will paint and sign your connection into glorious being. Come paint with me, Sharon Ann, Certified Color of Woman Teacher and Certified Root Healing Coach.
As your Certified Root Healing Coach I will speak the language of the head to undo its tricks and traps, the language of the heart, to clean out the corners and reconnect it, and the language of the body itself to get the deepest charge to flow out.

Contact Me
Are you ready to get started? Do you have any questions or need additional information? I’d love to hear from you! Contact me now via the contact form below, or feel free to check out the contact page for all of my contact information so you can get in touch. I promise to get back to you as soon as possible, and am always happy to hear from others! Let’s talk!